Did you know that when parents discuss age-appropriate topics about bodily autonomy and relationships with their children, they help protect their children from child sexual abuse? After completing extensive research and consulting with national-level experts in the field of child sexual abuse prevention, Coffee County Children’s Advocacy Center has prepared resources to aid parent-child communication about sexuality. The advocacy center has dedicated a section of its website to provide information about the research, age-appropriate topics parents should discuss with their children, and examples of phrases parents can use.
One of the proven elements of child sexual abuse prevention is teaching children correct terms for genitals. This knowledge should be provided by parents to their children as early as possible. Additionally, it’s vital for parents to have and maintain communications about sexuality with their children.

Studies show that one in 10 children will experience child sexual abuse before age 18. Every year, Coffee County Children’s Advocacy Center serves more than 300 children who have experienced severe abuse, with the majority of cases involving child sexual abuse.
Research shows that most child sexual abuse cases are not reported and the issue crosses all cultural and socioeconomic status boundaries. Consequences of experiencing child sexual abuse include life-long psychological, behavioral, sexual and medical problems.
The good news is child sexual abuse can be prevented by providing adequate knowledge to children by parents. In the next few weeks, the advocacy center will share more information based on interviews conducted with national-level experts.
Read about the research showing teaching children correct terms for genitals helps prevent child sexual abuse on http://www.coffeecountycac.org/tea. Find resources, including age-appropriate topics, helpful books and websites, and phrases to use when talking with your children on http://www.coffeecountycac.org/teach-correct-terms-resources.
The advocacy center provides free child sexual abuse prevention training, Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children. Learn more about the training by visiting http://www.coffeecountycac.org/education-for-adults.