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What is the CAC Model?

The Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) model streamlines the process related to responding to child abuse and reduces trauma for children. 

In 2004, the Coffee County Children's Advocacy Center (CCCAC) was founded following the CAC model as a private non-profit organization. The nonprofit opened its doors to serve Coffee County children, who are victims of child abuse in 2005. The Coffee County CAC makes the investigative process less traumatic for the child and non-offending family or caregivers. 

CAC model reduces trauma

One of the most important aspects of the CAC model is that it allows the child to tell his or her story only once in a safe and child friendly place. The forensic interview takes place at the advocacy center and is recorded for members of the child protective investigative team to use as part of their case. The child protective investigative team is part of the CAC model that depends on the teamwork of all the professionals involved in child abuse investigations. Experts provide professional and compassionate services to meet the needs of the victims. This model brings together law enforcement, Department of Children’s Services (DCS), prosecution, forensic interviewer, family advocate, juvenile court, mental health provider and medical professionals. The advocacy center coordinates the case review process with all team members. Prior to the CAC model, agencies worked separately to respond to child abuse, and children sometimes had to talk with several professionals to describe their traumatic experiences. 

CAC model saves taxpayers’ money

It is important to note that a coordinated response to child abuse investigations saves the community money as well. According to a report from the National Child Advocacy Center, on a per-case basis, traditional investigations were 36% more expensive than coordinated team investigations done at a CAC. The average per-case cost of a CAC investigation was $2,902 compared to $3,949 for a non-CAC investigation, generating a savings of more than $1,000-per case, according to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Community Responses to Child Maltreatment: A Comparison of Communities with and without Child Advocacy Centers. 


CAC model process

When severe child abuse is initially reported, law enforcement and the Department of Children’s Services respond to conduct a join investigation. Law enforcement officers work to ensure public safety. DCS officials ensure the child’s home is safe. The Coffee County CAC becomes involved to coordinate the efforts of all agencies. The child visits the Coffee County CAC, where the forensic interviewer conducts the interview. Evidence is collected. Medical professionals provide specialized medical exams. Our family advocate provides resources to the child and non-offending caregivers. The next step is presenting the case to the full child protective investigative team.  If appropriate, the case will then go through the legal system. While the case goes through the justice system, our family advocate continues to support the child and family with resources, and a mental health professional provides therapy to the child, if necessary. Regardless of if a case goes to trial, the CAC provides trauma-focused therapy to the child if needed in order to help him or her begin the healing process.

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To report suspected abuse, please call the TN reporting hotline at 1-877-237-0004.

Coffee County Children's Advocacy Center

104 N. Spring Street

Manchester, TN 37355


This project is funded under an agreement with the State of Tennessee.

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