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Coffee County Children's Advocacy Center, Manchester, Tennessee

Coffee County CAC: A Safe Place   for Children and Families

To report suspected child abuse, please call 1-877-237-0004.


The mission of the Coffee County CAC is to serve children who are victims of severe abuse through prevention, education and intervention.


Our vision is for a community where children are safe, families are strengthened, and victims are healed.


Child first: We put the child first in all actions and decisions we make.
Integrity: We work to build trust and mutual respect with team members, clients and the community.
Equality: We believe every child who may have experienced severe abuse should have access to all services he or she needs.
Care: We provide care and compassion in all the work we do.
Hope: We believe all children can heal from the abuse they may have experienced. We are honored to help them along their healing journey.
Best practices: We strive to implement best practices in all the work we do in order to best serve the needs of the children and families.

Specific benefits to children of a Children's Advocacy Center are:
* Less trauma to the child due to a single interview
* More immediate follow-up to reported cases
* More efficient mental health and medical treatment
* Increased successful prosecution
* Consistent support for child victim(s) and the non-offending caregivers

We seek to improve the multi-disciplinary agency response to sexual and physical abuse of children and reduce the trauma they encounter. We aim to educate the community with knowledge and materials to prevent child abuse and work to increase Coffee County CAC's self-sufficiency through sound management and growth of our financial base. There is never a fee for our clients.

Coffee County Children's Advocacy Center, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. We couldn't serve victims of child abuse without the generous donations of time, energy and money. Donations may be tax deductible.

The Coffee County Children's Advocacy Center does not discriminate. All clients who are eligible for services will receive services regardless of race, color, national origin, religion or gender.
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To report suspected abuse, please call the TN reporting hotline at 1-877-237-0004.

Coffee County Children's Advocacy Center

104 N. Spring Street

Manchester, TN 37355


This project is funded under an agreement with the State of Tennessee.

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